Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We're here...

GEORGE: ello all.... an e-mail from us both to all you lovely peeps....

ALEX: Hope everyone is ok - here is issue 1 of what i hope will become a very irritating update on what fun we are having here! photo's will follow in time - read on to find out why they are currently none available (dont worry mum, I havent been mugged yet).....


ALEX: You'll have to ignore the inconsistent grammer and spelling - what do i care - i'm unemployed!

GEORGE: Mine too....and me too!

ALEX: schedule has now changed as we realised it would be silly to arrive full of 'we want to travel' energy and then try to sit on a beach for a week doing nothing.

GEORGE: Spent a few days in bangkok - colourful, noisey, hectic....I kinda like it - I think the 5* hotel we stayed in helped! So many westerners everywhere......they all kinda ignore each other. pretending they are the only westerners here in Thailand!!! Headed up to Chiang Mai yesterday.

ALEX: much prefer chiang mai to bangkok - bangkok is 1,000mph and very westernised. this place is v cool city with nice river running through it and amazing markets - will get some photos that probably wont do them justice but think national geographic. were having dinner last night and trying to work out the night setting on the camera to get better pics - I took the classic bloke approach and didn't really think about what I was doing but just selected as many options as I could - resulting in me wiping all the pictures we've taken so far!

GEORGE: I can't speak!!!!!

ALEX: booked ourselves on a 3 day jungle trek starting tomorrow which is going to be amazing. we trek to hill tribe villages where we sleep, ride on elephants and raft down rivers on flat bamboo rafts.


ALEX: anyway, have just done what i said i wouldnt which is write lengthy email detailing everything we are doing and boring the hell out of you all.Hope to have some pictures in our next edition which, let's face it will be far more interesting to look at than listen to me or George waffling on!

GEORGE: Lots of love to you all.....I'm missing English loos!!!! Let me know how you are.

ALEX: Speak soon

GEORGE: In September....

Alex and George

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