Friday, February 16, 2007

Lovely Laos

GEORGE: Ello everyone.... next installment if you fancy a wee read...
Soooo....we left gorgeous Chaing Mai and did the slooooooow 2 day boat trip into Laos with a couple we met on the trek (Chris and Jaki). The deeper into Laos you go the better the scenery gets, although your numb bum does stop you from losing yourself in some heroic(A)/romantic(G) daydream.

ALEX: Not forgetting the somewhat comical border crossing from Thailand to Laos (pic left). The Mekong river forms the border between Chiang Kong on the Thai side and Huay Xai on the Laos side in the north of both countries. After filing in a short form to get our visas sorted out, we boarded a tiny boat for all of about 15 seconds (it's about as wide as the Thames) before getting off on the other side and being greeted by a very smiley chap saying "Welcome to Laos!" bish, bash, bosh - simple as that!

Here's the crossing, the far bit of land is Laos
GEORGE: We had a one night stop in Pak Beng - what can I say? A small remote place that rips of tourists (built up my assertiveness here), has no electricity (fair enough.....but they lie and I hadn't showered for 2 days!) and the sights whilst eating dinner are dogs having a threesome everywhere. The bit I did actually enjoy was in the restaurant. The waitress took our order before she and the chef ran across the road to their house to watch TV for 20 minutes! Nuts! Anyway...

The boat trip ended up in Luang Prabang. I loved it here. It is a bustling friendly place where everyone ones smiles, says 'sabaai-dii' (hello) obviously closely followed by 'you buy, you buy'. We spent our days; cycling, walking, visiting temples, waterfalls and going to the night market. (NB. Jim White, I think I found your younger brother here!)

ALEX: Loved Luang Prabang too. With reference to 'The Market', please read 'collection of stalls mainly selling cr*p to gooey eyed tourists'!

GEORGE: Urgent - I need a decent shopping buddy....any volunteers?

ALEX: I did a far more sensible (and productive) thing with Chris (of Jaki and Chris who we met in Chiang Mai) which involved playing pool and drinking Beer Lao for 3 hours!

GEORGE: After 6 days we travelled south by bus to Vang Veine. Saw more of stunning mountainous Laos and gorgeous children who all run after you with big grins shouting 'Sabaai-diiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' - I wish I could bring them all home for 'show and tell'.

Vang Viene = student heaven! (Deansy why have you popped into my head?) The tubing was amazing, the 'happy' shakes went down well as did a few episodes of the Simpsons (we haven't watched TV for ages.)

I know the photo far right below is dark, but if you look closely you'll see little Alex. It was a massive cave, quite intimidating - the guys said you couldn't get lost!!! We did....only for about 2 minutes, but even that with a wee torch was enough to make me nervous.

From here nipped down to Vientiene where I proceeded to become extremely ill and didn't leave my room for three days, so I didn't see much there apart from my ribs!!!!!!

ALEX: Have reassured George that she timed being ill very well and didn't miss much. Considering Luang Prabang was once the capital, I have no idea why they decided to hand the task over to Vientiane. Needless to say it was a very romantic Valentines, with George spending the day in bed/the bathroom, with me running out every now and then for more loo roll - ah, romance!

GEORGE: Thanks for that - I guess we'll end on that note! X
PS. As you all know, I'm a pretty good actress - can you guess the film and scene I am re-enacting below?

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Our Trek

GEORGE: For those who have already done it - aren't the treks in Northern Thailand amazing!!??!! We did one last week, and I have to say it was one of the most magical things I've done. Our group and guide named 'Dat' helped make the experience what it was.

ALEX: We went on a great 3 day trek from Chiang Mai in Thailand to the Doi Inthanon National Park. Started off with riding elephants at a sanctuary about 2 hours north of Chiang Mai...

GEORGE: Although loving the elephants I felt quite uncomfortable seeing them being bossed about by humans.....would rather see them chilling and doing their own thing next time.

ALEX: ...before heading further north to the point where we started walking through the jungle towards a Karen (hill tribe) village where we spent the first night.We arrived just as it was getting dark and after a quick shower - which consisted of leaving your pride in the village and taking a walk down to the river with a bar of soap, sat around the camp fire for a slap up meal and a chat in sign language with the locals. The kids were fantastic, especially three boys who were about 10 years old. It goes without saying that their names were Michael Owen, John Terry and Ronaldo.

Later that evening we were invited into the home of a Karen family which was quite a humbling experience - small bamboo hut on stilts.The conversations were fascinating with our guide translating - they were as intrigued by how we live as we were them. We covered a range of topics from snowmen to the fact that (much to their surprise) in 'our country' family members sleep in different rooms. One particular conversation resulted in a rather uncomfortable silence - we asked how old people in the village are when they get married. The father of the family explained to us that when girls are 17 they get married to the boy who has asked them to marry him. We then (I now realise rather foolishly) asked him how old his daughter who was sitting with us was. The response was quick and a little short - "17, but no one's come knocking yet".

The second day consisted of a pretty hard 6 hour walk which ended in a great camp area and very good sleep.

Day three was great - after breakfast and another "shower" we spent about an hour travelling down stream huge flat rafts made of bamboo. Great fun and everyone except George managed to stay on the raft and therefore dry!

GEORGE: I swear it was white water rafting..... fell in up to my knees but by the time I'd retrieved my flip flop I was swimming! Agains
t all odds I made it back on to the raft....exhausted! Soooo much fun!

We have the fondest memories.