Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Bolivia - great driver, but my he needed a shower!

GEORGE: Where the hell are we?

We thought we were in a place called The Arse-End-Of-Nowhere. But later found out we were infact in a place called Bolivia.....with strange, scruffy little children!

Why? Because this is the hot spot where everybody starts to go on a trek to the salt flats!!!! YEAHY!!! Bring it on!

So the next day, off we went in our 4x4. Now, this question has been raised by a number of you, so for those of you with little or no experience, we will explain why you need to travel in a 4x4 on salt FLATS.....

There is little if no purchase on table salt!

ALEX: Forget 'seen one, seen a million' provincial cities, this is where the real man stuff begins - big, battered 4x4s, 12,000m sq of salt (clearly we didn't drive all the way across but it helps with the impact), luggage lashed on the roof with rope, a (stinking - but great) driver who could probably drive for a year non-stop if you fed him enough cocoa leaves, and frozen radiators de-frosted by the driver holding a naked flame (I know; it's stupid) next to them for 20 minutes - GGGGRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Yet another highlight (top 3, no question) and thoroughly worth it.

GEORGE: And yet another location for a student photography project! We did have quite a giggle doing's too tempting.

ALEX: Now that we are engaged I took the opportunity to explain to George how the balance of power works in a relationship...."

GEORGE: The salt flats were incredible. And I'm sure all of you are bored reading what I'm about to say next....again, but......this was such a highlight of our trip! They are a good enough reason to pack up your job and go exploring.....a must see......a sea of salt innit! (I'm actually pretty over tired now. Trying to upload 3 countries in one go onto the blog takes its toll!)

We had a fab nutty Dutch couple to explore with. They kept us amused and enjoyed the odd tipple too.

ALEX: Ya for shure! (You know I'm only messing guys!)

GEORGE: Boys, you can skip this bit if you want to...... but this was a little friend I made. She was SOOOOOOOO CUUUUTE!!!!!!!! OHHHHHH MYYYY GOD! And she kept making these cute little squeeking noises. Don't ask me what she is, I can't remember, but her wool is more expensive than a lama's - this is the other reason I wanted to bring her home with me. Alas she wouldn't follow!

And we saw amazing lagoons with flamingos....

ALEX: Weird aliens with very oversized legs........

GEORGE: Geysers.....

Hot Springs..... (just deleted the picture here by mistake, so you'll have to use your imagination!)

Picture: hot springs!

BBC Planet Earth! Has everyone seen that? Need I say more?

And just when we thought we were going to have to stay in Bolivia forever.....Alex managed to make radio contact and get us the hell out of there! Onwards to the boarder of Chile......

ALEX: "10-4. Out"

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