Wednesday, March 21, 2007

'ello' Cambodia

GEORGE: So we've made it to Cambodia....our forth country. We is flyin'!

Straight to Phnom Penh which is wicked!

A truely chilled sophisticated city which was a perfect surprise. This is infact somewhere I wouldn't mind living (btw Alex)

As all male travellers do, Alex is checking out the beard look - what do you reckon readers?

ALEX: it's gone now - far too itchy. That said it would appear it's the only place on my head where hair grows in any sort of reliable fashion! Did enjoy rubbing it with a pensive look on my face whilst trying to haggle with street vendors.

So we spent our days exploring, drinking in the Foreign Correspondents Club, celebrating 'International Womens Day' and visting the palace and museums - all despite the surpressing heat.

ALEX - great city to potter around - really enjoyed it.

We visited the 'killing fields' and the S21 prison which obviously left us feeling quite subdued - very thought provoking places.


We then headed north to Siem Ream - another fab city with plenty of cafes to chill in. Below is The Blue Pumkin if anyone is heading that way.

The highlight without question (for me anyway)here. We got up at 5AM so we could watch the sun rise over Angkor Wat = a goose bumping moment.

ALEX: Me too!

It is massive. Everyone who hasn't already needs to go and see for themselves.
The number of temples in the area and the detailed stonework is so impressive. I went back for a second day on my own........Alex can only take so many temples.
Alex: That is the biggest understatement!

ALEX - Loved Cambodia and everything about the place. The people are so friendly and the kids never stop smiling. Phnom Penh is without question a surprise new entry on my favourite cities list. It's like a toned down city with wide roads that aren't full of traffic and great open spaces to relax in. As for moving there one day, let's wait and see shall we......

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