Monday, March 5, 2007

Vietnam we love you....

GEORGE: Gimmie a 'V'.....gimmie an 'I'....gimmie an 'E'.....and so on and so forth!!!!!
Yes, we made it to Vietnam - and I love everything about it! So, starting from the top...

Hanoi is full to the brim if not spilling over with character; people, scooters, colour and noise everywhere. We have been lucky enough to celebrate NY twice this year as we were there for their Tet celebrations.

We watched fire works by the big lake before being invited to join a family celebration at the bar we had entered looking for a beer. We ate their traditional food, which I have to say was thoroughly disgusting (even Alex wretched but had to hold it together - think Pedigree Chum!), before drinking and singing until the early hours. This was then followed shortly by the realisation we had been locked out of our hotel and a quick contemplation of being homeless in Hanoi - surprisingly I was actually quite curious about the prospect! (we did get in eventually though.)

Five people on a scooter is the most I've seen so far.

Being travellers on a tight budget! as well as timescale, we then flew down to Danang, to reach Hoi An. A gorgeous small french influenced town full of silk, tailors, restaurants and all the good photo dream stuff. We explored on bikes, got a few bits and pieces made and ate their very tasty local food.

We were in a gallery we heard some almighty singing/ loud! I finally tracked down where it was coming from and found these two children sitting in their wee plastic chairs shouting their hearts out. Karaoke seems to be very popular in the home.

If you lookclosely the beach is actually really busy......all the Vietnamise are all crammed under the palm trees.

A painful overnight bus journey took us down to Nha Trang which I wasn't too taken by until I discovered I did actually like scuba diving. We found a brilliant school (called CoCo for anyone planning a visit) and I was lucky enough to have one on one tuition for three days swimming in amongst coral to gain my Open Water qualification. Alex did his Advanced. It's was the visibility. I saw octopus, eel (1.5m long), flat fish, clown fish...oooo...all sorts! I can now scuba up to 18m and already planning to do more when we head back to Thailand.

The photo of me in the scuba outfit.... does Charlie's Angels immediately pop into your head?

Me with my scuba you can see, she thought the temp was pretty cold!!!!!!!!
From here we took a bus up into the mountains to Dalat - again, nice french influence. Took a look around on the back of a motorbike before deciding to do a two day bike trip to HCMC. This was a great move. We saw so much of rural Vietnam which finally quenched my thirst.

I had to put this picture in of Alex with this woman (owner of the guest house we stayed in), because not only did she really fancy him and spend all night staring at him, but she also thought he was Indian! This made me laugh so much. I said I didn't mind if he wanted to change direction in life and run this B&B with her instead! He declined.

So if you want a test of bravery, enter HCMC on the back of a motorbike. Heavens! It is nuts! My first impression of HCMC is a mahoosive helping of mayhem, with a generous drizzle of pollution and a steaming hot cherry on top! Crossing 4 lanes of on-coming scooters is just like a computer game and actually very enjoyable.... I guess it is like playing chicken but with a cheeky confidence that they will actually miss you. So, we did all the tourist stuff; the war museum, Cu Chi tunnels and the Mekong Delta.

Vietnam really has been FAB from top to bottom. The people have been so friendly, the teeny weeny children yet again are gorgeous and constantly wave whilst shouting 'helloooooooooooo' and all in all it is beautiful.

Oh, what a competitive materialistic life we lead in London - don't worry though, I haven't changed. It will only take me a few days to get back into the swing of it!

I hope this wasn't too long and boring - I've tried to keep it brief. Feeling very sad about leaving here, but excited about the next venture. We are now in Chau Doc on the border to Cambodia. Tomorrow we are up at 6AM to catch a boat along the Mekong to take us to Phnom Penh.

Only me this time, as Alex has just discovered messenger.

Sorry if the photos all seem a bit random......this seems so take so much time!


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